Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kill Bad Breath

!±8± Kill Bad Breath

Just like any other organisms, anaerobic bacteria need to feed and breed to guarantee its survival. It is the feeding and breeding process that provoke bad breath. When feeding on food residue left in the mouth after a meal, they release an odorous sulfur waste compound as a direct result of their digestion. The environment in which they evolve depends directly on their success to colonize different areas of the mouth and reproduce exponentially.

The more they are able to increase their numbers and feed, the more gaseous waste they release. If you multiply the amount of waste compounds with the several 10's of Billions of bacteria present in an unhealthy mouth, you can understand the reason for bad breath when these gases are exhaled. Because of their natural intolerance to oxygen, they will hide in some of the toughest places to clean:

- Deep inside taste buds
- In stagnating mucus at the back of the throat
- Beneath the gum line
- Inside tonsil crypts
- Within bio film between teeth

It is clear that conventional oral hygiene will have very limited effects on them and a more specialized approach is necessary to deal with chronic bad breath. First, we must understand the very nature of halitosis causing bacteria as well as the conditions that make the unhealthy mouth ideal for the imbalance.

High acidity levels: Bacteria will thrive in a low PH environment. Drinking too much coffee or sodas will cause acidity levels to rise. Dry mouth is also a condition that increases an acidic environment. Proper saliva flow must be maintained to dilute acidity and wash away any left over food debris. This can be accomplished with certain products such as Xylitol gum and other specialized mints or lozenges. It's also important to keep properly hydrated at all times. Don't forget to add baking soda to toothbrush and mouthwash to raise PH levels. Baking soda is alkaline and will dissolve acidity almost instantly.

Lack of flossing habits: There are small pocket under the gum line where bacterias will seek protection from the elements that would otherwise destroy them. For those who don't floss, trapped food between teeth can have devastating long term effects. First, the trapped food will putrefy and release odors. It will also give bacteria an excellent food source and allow them to reproduce in vast numbers. They will then attack your gum line and provoke periodontal disease and abundant bleeding. When blood is ingested by anaerobic bacteria, they release a volatile sulfur compound that smells of feces! The best remedy for this condition is to floss regularly or to use of an oral irrigator to flush away bacteria and deliver anti-bacterial agents below the gum line.

Proper tongue cleaning: The tongue is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and the most important part of the mouth to clean. Because the tongue is much like a sponge, bacteria will hide deep inside taste buds (not the surface of the tongue) and wait for food residue to be absorbed within the crevices. Usually, the highest concentration of bacteria will be at the back of the tongue. To clean it correctly, the right tongue scraper is necessary. Tongue brushing with a sonic toothbrush will also help tremendously.

Removal of stagnating mucus: Stagnating mucus in the back of the throat is not a condition typical to those who suffer from post nasal drip. Removing mucus is of the out most importance when treating chronic bad breath. Because mucus is made up of different strands of proteins, it provides a food source as well as an oxygen free shelter for the anaerobic bacteria. Be careful when using over the counter nasal sprays to treat this condition. They are filled with preservatives and irritating additives. For long term relief, it is best to use an iodine free saline powder in conjunction with a sinus irrigator.

Mouthwash: Over the counter mouthwashes usually have a high alcohol content. These are nothing more than cosmetic products and are NOT designed to treat chronic bad breath. The alcohol content will dry your mouth cutting saliva flow and increase acidity levels. Try mouthwashes that contain hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, or tea tree oil. They all have potent anti-bacterial properties and are anaerobic bacteria's worst nightmare!

Brush correctly with the right toothpaste: I cannot recommend any other than the sonic toothbrush. With its fluid dynamic technology, it has the ability to clean up to 1/4 of an inch beyond the tip of its bristles! Perfect for tongue cleaning as well as brushing areas of the teeth that would otherwise be impossible to reach. The right toothpaste will also make a world of difference when it comes to your oral hygiene. Just like the mouth wash, look for ingredients such as tea tree, chlorine dioxide, or Zinc.

Anaerobic bacteria are tough little critters and need to be dealt with patience and perseverance. Many will advertise bad breath treatments with instant results. You will find that many of the treatments they propose contain some of the same ingredients mentioned above. Let me tell you right now that these treatment do not work! and I'll tell you why:

Bacteria are highly adaptive organism. When beginning a new treatment, the weaker strains of bacteria will be eliminated giving you the impression of being cured. While the stronger strains will survive, adapt, and breed to repopulate the mouth only to produce a resistant generation of bacteria to the treatment you've been using. The result is a bad breath treatment that doesn't work anymore. There are very few ways to kill bad breath and achieve long term results. It takes time and perseverance to learn the right cleaning techniques in conjunction with the right products and tools. But when you do, you get your life back!

Kill Bad Breath

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